Friday, April 30, 2010


Ok, I know yesterday I said I had intended to talk about organization. I misspoke, I'm sorry. I am definitely not the person to talk about organization. It was late and my brain just wasn't functioning. Anyway, my hope was to talk about some of the things I hope will help me cut time in keeping my home and family together while I go back to school. I mentioned freezing meals ahead of time, which I am very excited. In addition to that I got a dishwasher!! WoooHooo! I am very excited about that. The first night we had it I taught my children to load their own dishes into it. It has been a process but I believe by the time school starts in the fall they will be fairly well trained in this regard. I am also looking into other options that may help me save time without costing too much. For example, maybe I will try to get some of the little blue things you put in your toilets tank to keep it clean for a couple of weeks instead of having to scrub it several times in that period to keep it from smelling. I've never looked into the automatic shower cleaners, but maybe I should?? I don't know. At this point I am still in the brainstorming stage. I also think I may try to set up a place to have people take their shoes off. I know a lot of people always do this anyway but my family never has because I can't do anything if I'm not wearing shoes. I just can't get motivated. Maybe I should get a pair of shoes just for wearing in the house to cut down on sweeping and vacuuming. Just some thoughts I've had. We'll see how they work as the time draws nearer.

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